I finally decided to refill my bird feeder. It had been a few days since I had last seen the field rat and I was beginning to worry that something had happened to it. So I figured that I should leave some food out for all the wildlife that frequents my balcony- the squirrels, the birds, and now the field rat.

Paul saw the squirrel run a complete circuit around him and Woton (along the rail, over my bike, near the sliding door, and back across the grill) in order to escape (or attack the food from another vantage point?) from Paul picking up Woton.

Paul saw the squirrel run a complete circuit around him and Woton (along the rail, over my bike, near the sliding door, and back across the grill) in order to escape (or attack the food from another vantage point?) from Paul picking up Woton.
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