Saturday, April 28, 2007
A Laura moment
In a preemtive strike, I am uploading this video before Paul does.

This is Paul's first try at video taping and what does he catch? Laura tripping over nothing on the path (or so it seems, there really was a bamboo root or stick or something there.)


Blogger Paul said...

No Lauras were harmed in the making of this motion picture...

And here I was with the camera thinking "now would be a good time to figure out to use this video feature, while we aren't doing anything photo-worthy".

It's as if you knew exactly when I hit the "record" and "stop" button and did it on purpose! Yeah, you meant to do that, right?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh.. it could heave easily been mistaken for a Glenna Moment, but you know that already. Too bad that had to be the moment that he decided to learn how to use that function, huh?


- Glenna (AKA Grace)

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