Tuesday, July 08, 2008
The last summer exam
I was taking an elective IS class this summer, Web Design, which mainly centered around how to design web pages for functionality, usability, and business profitability. We reviewed many websites and discussed their good techniques and where they had room to improve. For our last project, we redesigned a the department's website using the ideas we discussed in the class. Originally our final exam was going to be a in-class written exam on the 8th, but I got an email on Friday telling us to design a new website for 50+ year old pick-up basketball game players. I read the whole assignment and realized it was going to be a lot of work between then and the deadline; it was no longer a limited 3 hour exam.

I like these kind of projects that require some creativity and technology, so I dove head first into creating a website. There were three parts to the exam and I spent one whole day on just the first part, which was only worth 25%. It was then that I realized I needed to pick up the pace if I was going to make the Tuesday deadline. I worked all day Sunday, Monday, and most of the night before Tuesday rolled around. I was pretty well done by the time I went to bed, but I made a few changes the next day. It is always good to sleep on your ideas for a night.

Since the deadline for the project was 5pm, I left around 1 pm. Claremont can only be 30 minutes away, but in rush hour traffic (which starts at 3pm), it can be over 1.5 hours. This extra time gave me the opportunity to buy a report cover at the campus store and put together the presentation. I walked in expecting to just leave the project in a mailbox, but my professor was at his desk. I asked him where he wanted the final. he told me the table was fine, but I was a little early. I told him I knew, then I launched into the whole coming from Pasadena issues with traffic story. Then he looked at me and said, "No, I mean like 7 days early."


I quickly pulled out the assignment page I printed from his email. Clear as day, buried in the second paragraph of a 12in scroll of text, was the due date: no later than 5pm on July 15th.

Well, at least I got the 5pm part down solid. Whoot! I briefly considered taking the exam back and continuing to work on it, but as my professor noticed my struggle with that thought, he said, "Just leave it. Enjoy the week off." I didn't argue.

The great thing about the whole funny situation (besides being done with the project) was that my professor suggested I do an independent study with him regarding social technologies and role playing websites. I am now looking forward to discussing with him starting a research project next fall!