Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Oh yea, I did...
This morning, at 12:00am, was the official opening of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I did- I went on a work night to the 12:36 showing at the Burbank AMC theater with a group of friends (well, one friend, Erin, and her friends, but now by osmosis or something, they are my friends too, right?)

The coffee with CAFFEINE provided by very harrased looking Starbucks workers was providing me with alert attention for the first three hours of our "camping" the theater. We arrived a little after 9pm and by 11:30 my buzz was starting to wear off. We, thankfully, were all seated in the theater waiting for the movie to start, instead of sitting on the sidewalk or some random hallway, which I have done both before for other Potter opening nights.

I don't know exactly where it happened in the movie, but it started- there was Harry and Dumbledore in the cave, then the burrow, and the next thing I knew Harry was dueling Snape and I had a crik in my neck. I FELL ASLEEP! FOr those of you who know how much of a Harry Potter fan I am, you know how much of an atrocity that was!

I have to say that my favorite part that I saw was Harry on the "lucky potion" where he looked a little drunk but played a hilarious role ("with the pincers snip snip") and that Hermonie (Emma) no longer had the exasperated monotone throughout the whole movie.

I have no idea how they plan on making book 7 two movies since most of it was all camping, but I look forward to staying up all night for those releases too! Without the sore neck next time...


Anonymous Jeff said...

Sounds like fun!

Next time, you should designate someone to serve as a designated "annoyer", who can poke you in the ribs or flick your ear or something when you doze off.

I kind of want to go see it, but it occurs to me that I probably need to refamiliarize myself with the previous movies first. If you plan to see it again some time and want someone to tag along (annoyingness optional!), give me a call.

Blogger laura said...

LOL, sounds good! HP IMAX comes out July 29th!

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