This blog has officially taken about three days to post! I need to switch my blog over to my personal website. (Okay, maybe later)
While shopping at Costco I was given a box (as per usual) to carry my smaller items out. I thought, just like brown paper bags, the cats might like to play in it once I was finished. They enjoyed it a lot over the next week, then the box lost its novelty and the cats soon left it alone. Later that week, I was going to throw the box out and Paul got upset, saying the cats love it.
Well, I guess they do! All I can think of when I see them in there is- it tastes like chicken! (If everything tastes like chicken, how do you know what chicken tastes like?)
(insert picture here when Blogger works)
While shopping at Costco I was given a box (as per usual) to carry my smaller items out. I thought, just like brown paper bags, the cats might like to play in it once I was finished. They enjoyed it a lot over the next week, then the box lost its novelty and the cats soon left it alone. Later that week, I was going to throw the box out and Paul got upset, saying the cats love it.
Well, I guess they do! All I can think of when I see them in there is- it tastes like chicken! (If everything tastes like chicken, how do you know what chicken tastes like?)
(insert picture here when Blogger works)

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