Saturday, May 19, 2007
Chessa asked me to take some pictures for her and Heather both this weekend and in a few weeks. She even went as far as to fly me to Austin to do this! Sure, I love photography, and I even have a professional PRINT camera, but it has been years since I picked it up for some real photo shoots (like since before professional digital cameras were worth the expense). Well, because these pictures are important, AND because I have been jonesing for a digital camera- which I still cannot afford- I decided to shoot in digital. Ha! This is like learning a new sport. The rules are not the same with a digital camera. Anyway, I borrowed my sister's camera, practiced for a while, called her with a million questions, and took a flight to Austin with a roll of Tums. (hey, I was nervous!)

My concern was unfounded, since the weekend went well in Austin. I got some great pictures of Chessa and Heather (and amazingly, they liked them too!) Here are a few of my favorites:

Heather and Chessa also have three cocktail frank dogs... and no one warned me of their underwear fetish! I had put my clothes on the floor next to my travel bag before hopping into the shower, and guess what? When I got out of the shower, my underwear was missing! After getting dressed, I hurried out of my room to search the house for my underwear, because really, who wants someone else coming across that? All I see is the dogs running around, so I start looking under furniture, talking to the dogs and pointing fingers. This apparently is scary looking because the little stripped dog peed all over the floor. So now I was mopping up pee, yelling at the dogs for my underwear, and searching all at once WHEN the culprit walks through the dog door from the OUTSIDE with my underwear dangling in her mouth. "Ahhhha!" I shout! She took my underwear outside, ewww! That must have been quite a site, lol!