Thursday, May 24, 2007
RIP this week
It started off with a phone call as Amie and I were sitting outside of starbucks. We had just finished trying on a PILE of wedding dresses (her, not me! I was just helping), and we took a brain break to sit and talk. Well, Paul calls me in the middle of my iced caramel macchiato, to tell me that there was an emergency this morning. It is a tad windy outside, and the connection is not great, so all I hear next is, "I just got back from the (garble)." Immediately I sit up and yell into the phone, from where? What's wrong? Are you okay? Paul then tells me, "The Xbox died this morning." Well, I used some explicative's on the phone that I probably should not repeat here. I did however, tell Paul he was a rat bastard for scaring me!

RIP Xbox. We will miss your Guitar Hero. You have been a good entertainment for us. (And your replacement from Microsoft better hurry UP!!!)

We made it just a day before the next one hit. I had just returned from Austin on Monday night, and what happens Tuesday morning when I sit down to email Chessa about her pictures? Yep, you go it- the cable went out. We have NO phone, NO TV (at all), and NO internet. STILL.

RIP internet. Charter you suck the big one. Well, I guess the bright side is that my co-workers are going to see more of me, since I have nothing to do at home and will check my email here!

And the third, since things always happen in threes, is not the tongue and cheek story like those above. *This part of the broadcast contains mature material*

I got a call yesterday at work from my dad- my grandmother took her last breath at noon yesterday. She was with family, and has had company the last few weeks. Her health has been severely declining in the last few weeks. She stopped eating about that time, and never recovered. I was hoping to see her this weekend. The Albright family, and my cousin, Mel had all planned a trip to visit Grammie this year over memorial day weekend. Although I feel bad that we missed our opportunity, this is exactly the reason why I schedule a trip every year, to try to make sure I see my Grandma. If I had scheduled my trip for February, as I had originally intended, her health could have declined in December! Mainly I am glad that someone was able to sit with her through the last few weeks, so thank Mom, Elaine, Steph, Danna, and Rich for all your Grammie support.

RIP Grammie. We will all miss you terribly and the Copes Clan legacy will go on.

Some more pictures for all see: Grammie's life in pictures.