Paul and I had plans to take his Grandma (aka Miss Pickle and Gee) to the Getty Center. First stop was her house, where I had a planned swimming lesson for the great-grandchild, Ryan. He is very serious at the somber age of 19 months and always has his two eyebrows in little furrows. He was terribly cute and not a bad swimmer at except for the dependency on mom. After the dip in the salt water pool (how cool is that set-up?), we ran over to Arby's for a bite to eat. Yummy.
Next stop (1.5 hours later- traffic), THE GETTY CENTER!
Here I tried to snap a nice photo of Paul and his g-ma, but instead every picture I took was mid-word. If only the need to say "Cheese" could be stopped!

Then Grandma took a good picture of Paul and I (the best one of me that I have seen in a while):