We arrived home from our Austin trip on Tuesday night; I spent Wednesday running errands and Thursday was my IS&T orientation. We learned how to put together a blog and how to change the blog template. I found this ironic, since we were all grad students in a technology school. I was even only one of the two people in the 20 person orientation that actually kept a blog! Interesting… I was also the only dual Master degree student.
This weekend we are headed to Florida for the STS-115 launch. A few of the people that I worked with at JSC will be going up on this shuttle to assemble P3 onto the International Space Station.
Here is a recap on last week:
Monday, August 14th, arrive in Austin early afternoon. Get some Freebirds, take a nap, and go to the Draught House. Visit Chloe in South Austin or SoAus?
Stop by Tom’s Dive and Swim to get our tanks filled. Go diving at Barstow’s. Meet Stephanie and Jacob for an early evening dive. Eat at Ararat’s, yummm!
Get up early for diving. Make one dive at Barstow’s and meet Stephanie. Get in the water for a skills dive, try to follow Paul underwater, but get frustrated after he leaves me behind for the second time without any communication. End of dive number 3. Stop by the Langmeiers and hold Keelyn until mom and dad get separation anxiety. (Note my wonderful mothering skills- beer and baby all at once!) Leave and call Larunce to visit, but Mimi is sick. Skip sick house and go straight to Rudy’s for dinner with Constance and Steve.

Do not get up early. Go to lunch at Expose to see Robbie and John. Leave to go get massages from Amy. Meet Phoebe and watch her massage. Leave to go to Fado’s for a blue cheese burger and meet Effie. Listen to cover band and watch drunk eastern girl get gigy with the singer.
Do not get up early for diving AGAIN! Get ready for party. BBQ party at Constance and Steve’s.

Saturday get up early to go diving. Drive to Houston. Attend 10 year high school reunion. Hang out at Celia’s house.
Get up and got to IMAX at Houston Museum of Natural Science. Go to lunch at Jason’s Deli in Rice village. Check out Half Price books. See Body Worlds 3 at HMNS. Have dinner with Amie, Greg, Celia, and Rob.
Go to NBL. Have lunch at home and say bye to mom and dad, puppy and kitties. Drive to Austin. Go diving. Go to Draught house for last night in Austin.