Friday, November 24, 2006
Paul and I were invited to Thanksgiving at his family's house in Orange County. Despite the delay in raising the oil's temperature, everything was a huge success! And the deep fried Turkey came out scrum-dili-umptous.
The setup (restaurant quality, eh?)

The staff prepares the meal:

Then dinner is served:
Friday, November 10, 2006
My dad has nicknamed Woton, "the dreaded fossa" (from
Madagascar). Woton had been stalking and tormenting a rescue kitty we had, hence "the dreaded fossa." Here is a picture of Woton being a fossa:

and a picture of a fossa:

and a Lemur looking out for Fossas!

Equally dreaded? I have trouble seeing it.
Hat tip
Monday, November 06, 2006
Take a look at these flowers Paul got me!
This blog has officially taken about three days to post! I need to switch my blog over to my personal
website. (Okay, maybe later)
While shopping at Costco I was given a box (as per usual) to carry my smaller items out. I thought, just like brown paper bags, the cats might like to play in it once I was finished. They enjoyed it a lot over the next week, then the box lost its novelty and the cats soon left it alone. Later that week, I was going to throw the box out and Paul got upset, saying the cats love it.
Well, I guess they do! All I can think of when I see them in there is- it tastes like chicken! (If everything tastes like chicken, how do you know what chicken tastes like?)
(insert picture here when Blogger works)
Friday, November 03, 2006
Paul and I have been trying to convince Paul's mom (and my folks) to move to SoCal. I figure that we may have kids within the next 5 years and my preference would be to send them to Granny-day-care. Here is the latest email banter to encourage a move:
Imagine that, rain in Eureka. Hmmm... let's see that the forecast on the
Weather Channel looks like for the rest of the week. Wow, that picture
doesn't look promising does it?
They should just adopt a big middle finger as a weather symbol :-)
Okay, what about Pasadena, we must be getting some of that later in the
week right...
Nov 2 Today Sun and clouds mixed. High 77F. Low 56F. Winds light and
Nov 3 Tomorrow Partly cloudy skies. High 77F. Low around 55F. Winds light
and variable.
Nov 4 Saturday Times of sun and clouds. Highs in the low 80s and lows in
the mid 50s.
Nov 5 Sunday Plenty of sun. Highs in the low 80s and lows in the upper 50s.
Nov 6 Monday Mainly sunny. Highs in the mid 80s and lows in the upper 50s.
Yes, definitely wish we there to enjoy the weather so that we could get
away from the "sunny and mild" monotony.

Paul's weather post here.
You have 3.5 years left (so I guess you don't have to move with the new job, but time is running out!) ;-)
You have kids and I won't HAVE to move to S. CAL - I'll be down there more than you like!!! trust me...
See, I told you Laura. Eureka could fall into the ocean and she still would find a reason to stay. Hell, with that weather they are having, the ocean is practically falling ONTO Eureka, so it's almost the same thing :-)
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
I know I have not posted for a while, but the post would go something like this...
"Hi. I must return to school work. Thanks for stopping by."
Last night was Halloween, and after school, I came home just in enough time to run a refresher class. It was GREAT to get back under water. I think the last time I was in my scuba gear was during our August 2006 trip to Austin. The class went well, and ironically, I did not miss handing out candy while we were busy in the pool, because, well NO ONE came trick-or-treating.