I was at Petsmart the other day, looking at pet food bowl for the outside feral colony we are managing, and I saw a dog food bowl that I had to try for Woton- the slow down bowl! Woton eats his food way to fast and often pukes because he inhales his food like a marine cadet in boot camp. Of course, we give him no time limits, those are all self imposed. Anyway, we have tried putting a ball in his bowl so he has to push the ball around to access his food, but really it doesn't even phase him.
When I brought home the slow down bowl, I put food in it right away to see how it would work. I put in wet food, so Woton was trying to stick his head in the depressed areas of the bowl (a dog would be able to fit his snout in there), but Woton's head is too big unless he sticks it in the opposite side of the bowl, but he isn't really that S-M-R-T. But he is clever, because the next thing I see is him pulling out his wet food, flying portions of it across the floor, and then gobbling it up. The next day we tried with dry food.
After seeing the bowl the first day, Woton was no longer excited about it and he simply sat there and waited for me to get out his wet food. He was NOT going to work hard for the food in the slow down bowl, and honestly, he looked a little pissed off (I was wondering if I should check my favorite shoes the next morning). So we settled on half and half: half of his dry food goes in the slow down bowl, while his wet food and the remaining portion of his dry food goes in his regular bowls (with the ball). He takes quite a while to go through the food in his slow down bowl, sometimes coming back later after a meal to eat morsels. Take a look:

When I brought home the slow down bowl, I put food in it right away to see how it would work. I put in wet food, so Woton was trying to stick his head in the depressed areas of the bowl (a dog would be able to fit his snout in there), but Woton's head is too big unless he sticks it in the opposite side of the bowl, but he isn't really that S-M-R-T. But he is clever, because the next thing I see is him pulling out his wet food, flying portions of it across the floor, and then gobbling it up. The next day we tried with dry food.
After seeing the bowl the first day, Woton was no longer excited about it and he simply sat there and waited for me to get out his wet food. He was NOT going to work hard for the food in the slow down bowl, and honestly, he looked a little pissed off (I was wondering if I should check my favorite shoes the next morning). So we settled on half and half: half of his dry food goes in the slow down bowl, while his wet food and the remaining portion of his dry food goes in his regular bowls (with the ball). He takes quite a while to go through the food in his slow down bowl, sometimes coming back later after a meal to eat morsels. Take a look: